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Images from Madeline's Deathwork

Penny's Peaceful Passing

We were blessed to have a home euthanasia for our 16 year old Penny, which enabled us to say goodbye in the days leading up to the appointment. These photos document her peaceful passing journey.

Click on photos for descriptions.

Mowgli's Wake & Burial

Mowgli's death was an anticipated but unexpected one. Unfortunately, many of us often experience the death of a pet this way. I was in the process of planning a home euthanasia appointment within the next couple of weeks, but woke up to him limp and lethargic one day. We took him to the vet that morning and brought him home to hold a short wake before burying him. Afterwards, I felt it was too rushed and made a point to take more time with Penny, and with any pets in the future. These photos document Mowgli's wake and burial.

Click on photos for descriptions.

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